VENGEFUL was my most anticipated 2018 release, and it turned out to be my lowest-rated Schwab Book. Ever. I’m shocked. Schwab has always been one of[…]
Tag: ve-schwab
Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab : emotional damage is quite emotional (and fairly damaging)
It’s been such a long, long time since a book has shaken me up this badly. Broke me. Our Dark Duet broke me. If this was any other[…]
A Conjuring of Light by VE Schwab: ladies and gentlemen, i have been killed by a book
Why, yes, I’m okay. Why do you ask? *muffed screaming in the background* It’s not like ACoL made me the most emotional I have ever been since reading[…]
This Savage Song: violins+monsters+schwab=YAASSS
No. No, no, no, and NO. You absolutely CANNOT leave me hanging there like that, V. Oh my goodness. What kind of flawless epicness did I just read?[…]
A Gathering of Shadows by VE Schwab: b-b-but why??
Do you see that little red heart-shaped thing lying on the floor over there? Well. It’s heart-shaped because it is MY ACTUAL HEART, AND IT’S ON THE FLOOR BECAUSE IT[…]
A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab : what is this fabulousness, and where has it been?
How a book can have absolutely no flaws is beyond me. Wow. Guys, look: I don’t know if saying what I’m about to say will make me seem a lenient[…]