This is heartrending and haunting. There’s just no other way to describe it. No, it wasn’t a fun or enjoyable book to read, by any means,[…]
Tag: 2018-releases
Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody : magic and street gangs and red lipstick appreciation #bless
This was absolutely marvelous. Look, any book out there promising a quirky city that is twisted and disturbing and magical is sure to catch my attention. I just really[…]
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton : flowers and desserts and court intrigue #yaasqueen
I’ve got to hand it to THE BELLES: there is nothing I like more than pretty pink flowery books with darkness and stabbing and political intrigue going on inside, amid[…]
A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard : awkardness and adorableness and anxiety
This book is an even mixture of the adorable and the serious, which is an oddly satisfying quality to see. And, more than anything else, Sara Barnard’s ability to[…]
A Taxonomy of Love by Rachael Allen : romance and friendship and a bucketload of disappointment
Nothing is wrong with this one, exactly. More of a matter of personal taste. And misplaced expectations. Something just isn’t clicking here. This was a solid case of ‘it’s[…]
BLOG TOUR! Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Lianne Oelke : reality tv and banter and much, much sass #bless
Hi hi! Today’s a stop for the NICE TRY, JANE SINNER blog tour… which, you know, was the title’s job to announce. #MyBad Maybe it’s because I’m[…]